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> In-Person autographs, (NBC Sports Anchors)

post Oct 9 2009, 02:03 AM
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Ok.........here is the deal:

I just got this job as a security guard at a 5-star hotel here in Nashville and they cater to the upper class. I really like the job and I get nice tips to boot.

Well; they are also the main hotel that the NFL teams and TV networks stay at when the Titans have a home game.

Usually the players show up the night before a game, hit the rack, and they checkout.......so we don't really see them that much.


The network people stay for up to three or four days. I have meet Chris Collinworth, Al Michaels, Erin Andrews, Bob Costas, Troy Aikman, and Joe Buck.....just to name a few.

My question is:

How do I get autographs and not lose my job?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Any Advice?

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