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> Here we go again...someone is leaving the hobby

post Mar 3 2012, 08:48 PM
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It's true, I of all people am stepping away from this great hobby. First I will say, this is not easy for me to even say and I still have to follow through with it. My love for this hobby is still as strong as ever, I know this process is going to hurt. I started collecting long ago when an uncle of mine owned a card shop in my local town. I have been involved in this hobby for the majority of my life, so actually going through with this is like losing a part of myself. I have never been in this hobby as a financial investment. It's always been done as another way to enjoy a sport and players I enjoy.

So you're probably asking why, why would he be leaving something he still loves and enjoyes so much? That answer can be a bit complicated or very simple, depending on how you look at it. For the past year or so I've have this thought in the back of my mind; "These cards don't matter in the bigger picture of life" and the question, "Do I value these cards more than I do the things much more important?"

At one point, I asked my wife "Do you see my card collecting as a bad thing?" and she said "No, I know you enjoy it and I see nothing wrong with it" Hearing that from here suppressed some of my feelings many months ago. Knowing that I enjoy it so much and knowing how much a part of my life it is, I continued.

Eventually, those thoughts crept back into my mind, almost to a point of conviction. Then came a clear confirmation this past Friday... I was listening to an interview between David Platt and Katie Davis (I'll explain who they are in a minute), by the end of it, the only thought I had was "I have to sell my collection, period."

If you don't know, I am a Christian, I admittedly haven't always been the best example of that throughout my time here but that is where my belief resides. With that in mind, over the past couple years, I, like many non-Christians as well, have grown very skeptical and uncomfortable with the "American Church". Now, all that is for another discussion... However, it was because of those feelings that I really began to seek out truth and tried to understand what the biblical Gospel really is (I'm still learning). In my quest, the more I learned, the more I felt it needed to change on my life. What good is it for me to learn and better understand things and not live a life that reflects that understanding?

So what does that have to do with card collecting? I see nothing inherently wrong with being involved in this hobby, not one bit. No part of me feels like card collecting is a "sin", don't think that's what I'm getting at here. With me, heres my issue... I have let this hobby get to such a place in my life where I value it more so than I do much more important things, even God. When something gets to that point in a Christians life, it's an idol, and that can't be. Another part of this is about Jesus' teachings on living a "simple" life and having a heart for giving. As I began to understand that more, I realized that all I'm doing is accumulating stuff, that's all it is, stuff. I finally realized that I struggle between how much I valued this hobby in my life, compared to how much I valued God. That is why I have to get out and why I have such a strong conviction to do so.

If you're a fellow believer in Christ, I don't know how this hits you. I am not saying you're wrong or doing anything against God for being involved in this hobby. If it's in a place in your life where you have a healthy control over it and it doesn't out-value God in your life, I see nothing wrong with it. What I will say is that, if you were asked to give this or anything for that matter, up for the sake of your faith, could you? If we have the same reaction as the "rich man" did when Jesus told him to sell all he had and then come follow him and we struggle with making that choice...then we know there's a problem. And that's where I am. I said it at the beginning of the post, walking away from this hobby is going to be painful. However, I know once I walk through this, It's going to be worth it when I come out on the other side.

Could I come back to this hobby one day? I can't answer that at this moment.

I told you earlier, I'd explain who these two people are... David Platt is the pastor of Brook Hills Church in Birmingham, AL and Katie Davis is a 23-24 year old woman from Nashville, TN who now lives in Uganda running an organization called Amazima. Platt is a man who has set out to turn the "American Church" upside down, or rather, right side up. I admire what God is doing through him and his life. Katie Davis has gone against the cultural norm, her parents desires and followed the instructions she felt God placed on her life. It's a truly amazing story and she is doing great things in the country of Uganda.

For this, I am not selling my collection as a means to gain the monetary value from it. The majority of what I bring in is going to be donated directly to Katie's organization, Amazima.

If you're interested in what really ignited such a change in my life, here is the full 54min interview between Platt and Davis (I find it worth the time):

If you're not inclined to watch that, here is a short (3min) promo on Amazima and what they do:

If you'd like any "teachings" relating to anything I've been talking about, let me know and I'll pass those along.

Lastly, my entire Photobucket is for sale. Every last card, so check it out and let me know what you need prices on.

PS. I don't own the Matt Ryan 1/1 anymore and all Bears stuff could be going to my dad.


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post Mar 4 2012, 12:49 PM
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QUOTE(ffman @ Mar 4 2012, 11:50 AM)
Good luck in your other ventures Gary.  I highlighted a certain sentence in your post as I feel it is very important.  When cards overshadow anything of importance in your life (be it God or even your family), it may be time to not necessarily leave the hobby, but at the very least to rethink your priorities.  Sometimes this hobby can take control.  At times I wish I could make an easy break with the hobby, although I do enjoy it.

As a fellow Christian I can completely see where you are coming from.

Definitely. I wish it could be just a break for me, but my conviction was to sell and GIVE. My collection is the one thing in my house that holds some value, yet it totally unnecessary to this life. I say that, fully loving all that this hobby was and is for me, I still love it. But, it's the one thing I'm holding on to so dearly that I'm struggling to choose it or my faith. There-in-lies the problem and the reason why it must go. As I go through stuff people are asking me about, I keep thinking "oh I can keep just this one or just these few" but that defeats the whole purpose... hanging onto to any of it proves nothing and creates no change in my perspective.

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post Mar 4 2012, 11:38 PM
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I'll be completely honest, I just had someone ask about 3 cards I thought I'd never let leave my possession, they're 3 cards I know I'll never see again should I find a way back into the hobby. This is painful, truly painful.

I'm not looking to live in regret though, and the bigger regret would clearly be, if I don't go through with this, what did I miss out on? That's something still to be seen as this process has just begun. I plan to keep everyone updated and this goes along.

I thank each and everyone of you who have commented and shared your thoughts. It means a lot to know that my love for the hobby has been felt here.

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post Mar 5 2012, 12:54 AM
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good luck man. If I had my job still I would see what i could buy unfortunately money is a little tight in terms of buying singles.

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post Mar 5 2012, 11:15 PM
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Proud of you Gary..i'm leaning toward dumping my stuff because I am just tired of the card hobby. I am rekindling my other hobby of comic books.

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post Mar 5 2012, 11:29 PM
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I might, MIGHT be crazy..
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I'm sorry to see you leave Gary. But I'm honored that you're giving me first stab at your Ultimate stuff.. That's very cool of you.

You'll be missed my friend sad.gif

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post Mar 5 2012, 11:38 PM
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QUOTE(Cool_Hand_Flash @ Mar 5 2012, 11:29 PM)
I'm sorry to see you leave Gary. But I'm honored that you're giving me first stab at your Ultimate stuff.. That's very cool of you.

You'll be missed my friend sad.gif

Mr. Ultimate could not be denied!

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post Mar 5 2012, 11:51 PM
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I've updated my photo bucket and put everything (except for some lingering J Camps) in the For Trade/For Sale Album. Further organized by Autos, Patches & GU, Inserts and Rookies.

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post Mar 6 2012, 11:47 AM
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During this journey, I want to be the best steward I can be throughout the process. Meaning, it is my ultimate goal to best help my fellow true collectors add pieces they can truly enjoy and accept into their personal collections. To me, that goes hand in hand with also being a good steward of the money I'm bringing in, by allowing a majority of it to be willfully given to a much greater cause.

This isn't about me in the least.

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post Mar 6 2012, 01:36 PM
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I am sorry to see you leave, but I do wish you the best of luck on your new path!


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post Mar 6 2012, 02:33 PM
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QUOTE(pwolantern @ Mar 6 2012, 01:36 PM)
I am sorry to see you leave, but I do wish you the best of luck on your new path!

Thanks man!

To all, I almost forgot. But I did have a dream last night where I bought a blaster and was busting it on the drive home (I was the passenger)... I pulled a redemption dry.gif and woke up before I figured out who it was.

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post Mar 6 2012, 04:50 PM
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Its sad to see another person leave the hobby. I myself am a Christian i go to a Mens group every sunday and have learned alot and still learning alot. I do feel on the other hand as long as something such as collecting cards doesn't take over your life and you still spend time w/ Your wife/ husband/ Girlfriend/ boyfriend..... it is ok to have. I also understand where you are coming from with the idol thing. I have though a few times do i have too much involved in my hobby. Then i think no. You need something in your life other than the everyday montomy to help you take your mid off things.
I wish you all the best in your decision and hope things turn out for what you want now. Good luck.

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post Mar 6 2012, 06:07 PM
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QUOTE(Gadsden86 @ Mar 6 2012, 04:50 PM)
Its sad to see another person leave the hobby. I myself am a Christian i go to a Mens group every sunday and have learned alot and still learning alot. I do feel on the other hand as long as something such as collecting cards doesn't take over your life and you still spend time  w/ Your wife/ husband/ Girlfriend/ boyfriend..... it is ok to have. I also understand where you are coming from with the idol thing. I have though a few times do i have too much involved in my hobby. Then i think no. You need something in your life other than the everyday montomy to help you take your mid off things.
I wish you all the best in your decision and hope things turn out for what you want now. Good luck.

Thanks for the comments and thoughts. Every Christian, no matter if you accepted it yesterday or 80 years ago, we're all still learning. This is something that goes beyond church or a study group attendance, it's a transformation of lifestyle. This whole thing goes far beyond cards "taking over" my, what's to be considered worldly life. Meaning, my wife and family where never put on the back burner for this hobby. Maybe once, when we first moved to Nashville with no jobs and I made about $30 worth in shipping trades, when we really didn't have the $30. That was the end of that though. Anyways, for me personally, as I said in original post, it came down to the fact that card collecting became an idol in my life. Meaning, I often valued this hobby higher than God. Sounds crazy to type that or even say it, but it's my reality. It's not about how "involved" you are or how much you put into it, it's about where you value this OR ANYTHING ELSE in your life versus the value you place on God and your faith.

As a brother, I encourage you, only because you've admitted to the thought of this also being an idol in your life, to really pursue and reflect on those thoughts. That's where it all started for me over a year ago, it was always there in the back of my mind. Yet, I'd continue to find ways to justify what I was doing and make myself fell like it was ok. We have to realize, if we try hard enough, we'll always find a way to justify anything that we want to. Think about the dangers in that. I'm not telling you that this hobby is an idol in your life, I can not attest to that. The fact that you would bring it up though, is what concerns me. Make sure, 100% sure, that you know where your treasures lay and that you understand, the material things of this earth will pass and mean absolutely nothing. As a Christian, if you struggle with the thought of giving your collection up, should you feel the conviction to, check yourself and where you've placed this in your life. Sure, this hobby as with any hobby is a means to break the "monotony" in ones life. However, you've really got to think about your statement there, are you using this hobby as a replacement for what God could and should be doing in your life instead?

With all that said, to everyone else, I mean no ill will on this hobby. I think it's great, it's fun, it's not a sin, it's don't think it's wrong to be involved in it. This decision of mine is a personal call and conviction on my life.

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post Mar 6 2012, 06:57 PM
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G sorry to see you leave but I admire you for being so strong in your beliefs

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post Mar 6 2012, 09:14 PM
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I love you Gary!

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post Mar 9 2012, 10:56 AM
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QUOTE(chopinalex @ Mar 6 2012, 09:14 PM)
I love you Gary!

wub.gif hug.gif serenade.gif winkiss.gif inlove.gif ban.gif OK, this is awkward.

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post Mar 9 2012, 05:54 PM
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Meant to post this the other day....

Taking my first steps:
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post Mar 26 2012, 10:43 AM
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I'm what, on my 24th day into this journey so far? It's not getting any easier... especially if you've noticed that I'm trying to host a group break. One, because I love the community and interaction it allows me to have with members here and two, because I want to bust some wax! With that said, should the break fill and happen, I'll be selling anything I "hit" and donating it to Amazima.

The past week in a half have probably been the hardest... the first package was tough, but I had my priorities and perspective straight (in my situation). However, I haven't been doing so well with keeping my perspective on this whole thing in recent days. Every time I'm going through my cards to find something to market or pull out ones people have asked about, I think "Man, why am I doing this...I'll never see this card again!"

A lot of you are probably thinking, "Well, stop selling it off man, you don't have to do this!" I want to agree with those of you who feel that way, I really do... but that's the trouble with it. Finding ways to justify keeping my collection based on my own fleshy feelings or other hobbyist defeats the whole purpose and belittles what I feel obligated to do.

Today, I'm trying to get my focus and perspective back in order. As much as I love my collection and collecting in general, it's not worth what's at stake. The money I'll be able to give away from doing this will have a far greater impact than keeping a pile of cardboard, fabric, and ink my closet. Along with the pure joy that comes from generously giving, what's more important here is that I keep my obedience to God. There is simply something in that, that goes far and beyond anything else on this earth. The biblical examples of what obedience brings can be found many times over, from Moses to Job, and David to Paul... Their joy is found in the Lord and nothing else, no amount of money, or material thing could hold a light to God and I've got to remember that.

This morning was truly a reminder of these things when I packaged and shipped off two of my most rarest pieces this morning. A 1/10 Montana/Rice/Craig Classics Triple Patch and my 1/1 J Campbell Rookie Auto...
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post Apr 5 2012, 10:21 AM
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The past few mail outs haven't been much easier!

Said goodbye to these babies...

Thought I'd never let this Williams go!
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Jason Campbells Rookie PREVIEW Ticket 1/15... ouch
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Then this...
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post Apr 9 2012, 11:41 PM
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Collect Hard!!! RIP RGBII
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Good luck with your journey. God's will be done.

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post Apr 10 2012, 10:10 PM
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One of the toughest lots to send out the door...
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