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Foregone Conclusions
My shambles in rambles
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4 Pages < 1 2 3 4 > 
 | Category: My Life
entry Feb 6 2007, 07:12 PM
My dog isn't fixed, and the following might be my fault for wanting him to stay complete. In any case, get ready for some hilarity.

My dog jumped through my living room window to chase after, and fight, another dog in our yard. Yes, Boston (my dog) broke the glass. Yes, I have to repair it. Yes, my dog won the fight (the other dog ran off).

While, in a small way, I feel like a redneck father — chest-puffed out proud — I also want to beat the living hell out of him. But, as the experts say, disciplining a dog after the fact never works, I guess I'll just pet him and love him like always.

Jesus. If this is any indication of my life as a father, I better start buying booze now.

 | Category: The Hobby
entry Feb 3 2007, 10:56 PM
What I'm about to bring up goes hand-in-hand with my thread.

Briefing: Upper Deck released the much-anticipated 06/07 Fleer basketball last week. Upper Deck promised one 86/87 Fleer rookie card buyback per box, but instead people are pulling 88/89 Fleer cards. To make matters worse, the certificate of authenticity Upper Deck is issuing with the buybacks don't have serial numbers, holograms, anything; making the certificates easy to duplicate. Here is a picture of the certificate of authenticity:

user posted image

Now comes the fun part...

One seller on eBay (gangsofnewyork_heavyhitter) has magically pulled and sold two 86/87 Fleer Michael Jordan RC buybacks (view the first auction, view the second auction).

First: what are the odds the same person pulled two Jordan buybacks from the same case, when everyone else has been pulling 88/89 Fleers?

Second: what if this seller had a couple of fake MJ rookie cards lying around? Also, what if he just took a certificate of authenticity from a buyback he really pulled, and paired it with the Jordans?

What has Upper Deck gotten themselves into? What is this, or what can it possibly do, to the hobby?

 | Category: The Hobby
entry Feb 3 2007, 10:54 PM
The long-awaited 06/07 Fleer basketball product has hit the streets. The reason it was so long-awaited was Upper Deck promised 86/87 Fleer rookie card buybacks, with the chance to grab some Michael Jordan autograph rookie cards.

Yeah, sell sheets are subject to change, and we all know Upper Deck doesn't print odds anymore on packs or boxes. But does that mean the consumer can be lied to?

Below is a buyback from a box of 06/07 Fleer:
user posted image

Doesn't look like an 86/87 Fleer to me. In fact, it's an 88/89 Fleer.

All buybacks come with a separate card to indicate their authenticity. That card is pictured on the left. Notice no authentication number, no hologram and really no indication of any authenticity. In fact, it looks like it was printed on a home printer.

And what Upper Deck product isn't complete without redemptions? Check out the redemption someone pulled from a box of 06/07 Fleer:
user posted image

Yes, you're reading it correctly: the redemption is for a random player.

 | Category: Entertainment
entry Jan 29 2007, 01:55 PM
user posted image

Guillermo del Toro's "Pan's Labyrinth" is the definition of movie magic. Drawing on childhood fairy tales as inspiration, del Toro creates a haunting wonderland that meshes with the realities of war, and created is a storybook fairytale that reminds us "Innocence has a power evil cannot imagine."

"Pan's Labyrinth" follows Ofelia, a young and imaginative Spanish girl, as she begins a new life with her pregnant mother, Carmen, and Carmen's new husband, Capitαn Vidal, during World War II fascist Spain. Against the backdrop of war, Ofelia's fairytale begins as she stumbles upon Pan's mystical labyrinth where she learns she might be a long-lost princess.

From there, Pan gives Ofelia three tasks to perform to prove she hasn't become a mortal so she could return to the Underworld, her home she ventured from long ago but no longer remembers.

To refrain from spoiling anymore, it must be said that the film's beauty doesn't come entirely from its art direction; it mostly comes from its ability to create a tight grip around your imagination and wonderment.

While Ofelia struggles to prove herself, she also struggles with her life in Spain, as revolutionists attempt to destroy Vidal's last stronghold, hoping to take fascism along with it. Ofelia also must care for her mother, who's continuously sick due to her pregnancy, and learns Vidal only cares about his unborn son and not the woman carrying him.

You struggle with Ofelia every step of the way, and when she steps away from reality and happily into the fairy tale world, you can't help but let out a sigh of relief with her.

Del Toro's ability to create that kind of contrast is moving. To do so, however, he had to depict a Spain rife with violence. Though graphic, none of the violence is unnecessary. It shows us the type of brutal life Ofelia was thrust into, and helps explain why she wanted to get away so badly.

But don't be mistaken that Ofelia's fairytale world is of her imagination — by the end of the film, you're left wondering what life was more real to the little girl.

Visually, the film is a showcase of aesthetic imagery. Literally a storybook on screen, "Pan's Labyrinth" imprints itself on your mind, and with help of the artistic design and direction, creates an imaginative bedtime story.

Twelve-year-old Ivana Baquero as Ofelia is the key to making the film believable. Her acting ability far surpasses expectations and keeps you charmed just as much as the story.

Doug Jones, who was also in del Torro's "Hellboy," plays Pan. One part alluring, one part intriguing and one part threatening, Pan makes for an engrossing character. The way the film introduces Pan is memorable, as are the ways the film continuously inserts him seamlessly into scenes involving Ofelia's conflict with doing what is right versus what she wants to do.

What's intelligent about this film is del Toro never strays from the fairytale formula, but he does colorfully build on it. There's the archetypal princess, the supporting cast of characters and the never-ceasing quest; all things that make up the emblematic story. This simple construction, with help from its add-ons, reminds us of every fable we've ever heard, but makes it incredibly different — the story becomes its own entity.

However, contrary to the film's fairytale heart, "Pan's Labyrinth" is a giant of a drama, and isn't for children or the weak-stomached. The film is harsh, really harsh, and is somewhat of an "Alice in Wonderland" for adults.

Meaningful and thematic, arousing and one-of-a-kind, the film will pull on your heartstrings and make an impression you won't soon forget.

First impressions are lasting impressions, and "Pan's Labyrinth's" first impression is one you'll want to revisit again and again. And, like every good story, it's one you'll want to share with everyone you meet.

Rating: A

 | Category: My Life
entry Jan 24 2007, 11:02 PM
Sadly, this has nothing to do with the hobby.

I'm in an Introduction to Ethics course and it became clear to me tonight that I might be the only person in that room who's a diehard Protestant Calvinist. It will be interesting when my answer to unanswerable "Whys?" is "It's God's Will." laugh.gif

I know some will see it as a cop out, but no worries — I'm not supposed to have all the answers, nor do I care to question what my God wills me to do and believe in.

Tonight we talked about the origin of ethics and if people are naturally good and bad. First, the term natural causes a stir because it implies morals/ethics are natural things, of course, thus being applied to life from an unknown force. Second, I believe all people are born into sin, thus are naturally bad — it's the way it is, and I know many people in the class will drop their jaws at it, thinking of the poor, helpless babies born every second.

But the one thing I don't expect everyone in the class to understand, grasp or even be able to slightly wrap their mind around is God's Will. Those people would first have to believe in God; second, have an understanding of any religious belief structure; third, and at the very least, have an interest or idea about the nature of God.

Two weeks down, 14 more to go.

entry Jan 23 2007, 12:38 PM
They say education is priceless, but when it practically makes me go bankrupt, I cry sad.gif

Spring 2007 breakdown:

Tution and fees — $2,965
Parking — $120
Books — $450
Other materials — $258
Supplies — $40
Total — $3,833

And it only get's more expensive from here... Le sigh.

Edit: tack on another $50 for software specialist certification cry.gif
Total — $3,883

 | Category: Rants
entry Jan 21 2007, 11:03 PM
Earlier today I saw member crazygood's signature and it had a picture of Adolf Hitler in it. Saw that it was gone when I got home earlier this evening, so I asked him what happened.

He told me he was asked to remove it because of its possible offensiveness. But what about other signatures?

I've seen people with signatures and avatars of bikini-clad babes, figure skaters with their legs in the air, and even Osama and Hussein sharing a bed together. What's the difference between those and a picture of Hitler?

Whether or not crazygood really does collector Hitler memorabilia doesn't really matter, and, frankly, it's not even a question of Freedom of Speech/Expression. It's a question of: where is the line drawn? I don't recall it being against the rules to have a picture of a tyrannical person, or even bikini babe, in one's profile.

I don't know how or if crazy has said anything about it to the TCC Team, but I surely hope people understand where I'm coming from — if Osama is OK, then why not Hitler?

Honestly, I'm more offended by half-naked girls than historical, albeit cruel, figures. I've never said anything, simply because it's not against the rules.

 | Category: Rants
entry Jan 21 2007, 10:52 PM
I think we all know who the winners will be.

I don't know why it bothers me, but seeing the same handful of names on each ballot kind of irks me. Most of them are Team Members, too; and I can't help but think two separate ceremonies could have been created: one for Team Members and one for members.

I know everyone has their reasons for voting the way they did, but it's tough seeing certain members being shadowed by a prominent Team Member, but feeling that way is my fault. Like with Cody and Aaron — they don't have the buying power other people do, but when they do buy it's an event, an extravaganza of fun. Daily breaks by the same people is to be expected, as are good pulls when that much money is spent. But when other members pull amazing cards or break an entire case, pack-by-pack live, there's something amazingly special about that.

Meh. Like I said, it's my own fault I feel this way. I understand it's the first time this has been done, so I'm not saying anyone is at fault. It's still a great thing to have and experience, so go TCC.

 | Category: My Life
entry Sep 16 2006, 06:11 PM
I really dislike ignorant people.

 | Category: Entertainment
entry Aug 8 2006, 01:08 AM
"Boy Meets World" is one of the greatest shows ever. The end.

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