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Foregone Conclusions
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 | Category: Entertainment
entry Aug 5 2006, 02:56 PM
Some great new comic book movies have recently been announced, and some are currently in production.

Spider-Man 3 was announced some time ago but the films' trailer recently went public earlier this summer. Fans can expect a new trailer sometime soon, which will show Topher Grace turning into Venom. The new trailer was shown at this year's ComicCon a couple weeks ago. A very blurry and low-quality version can be found here.

Every little boys' dream is about to come true — the Transformers will hit the big screen next year. Check out the film's teaser trailer.

Heath Ledger of "Brokeback Mountain" fame was named to play The Joker in the upcoming sequel to "Batman Begins." The Dark Knight will begin filming in early 2007.

A film adaptation of the infamous Iron Man comics was announced earlier this year. On August 1, Director Jon Favreau ("Elf" and "Made") reportedly offered the lead role to Terrence Howard, who was nominated for an Oscar in last year's "Hustle and Flow." "Iron Man" is slated for a 2008 release.

Everyone's favorite X-Man is getting his own film. Wolverine was announced early last year and actor Hugh Jackman also will be producing the film. Stay tuned for more information as it develops.

A new Wonder Woman film is in the works with "Buffy" creator Joss Whedon manning the helm as writer and director.

 | Category: The Hobby
entry Aug 5 2006, 04:12 AM
I'll be straight with you: I found TCC while Googling for free online price guides. Naturally, my first couple of posts were price checks, but once I stumbled around the site I realized, 'hey, there's more to this place than people with price guides.' And that's when it began. Now I'm 3,500+ posts into my career here and can't say anything but good things about the joint.

Now, I have tried other sites and am a member of other sites, as most of us are. But I've noticed something: I frequent the other sites for their marketplaces. In contrast, I frequent TCC because it's a second home. Though I've seemed to suck TCC dry of Gary Payton cards, I still keep coming back for more! And why? Because of the people.

First and foremost, you've got Bob. He interacts greatly with the members and manages the site to make it fit for everyone who visits. Second you've got the TCC Team. No joke, they're probably one of the best group of old men I've ever encountered (c'mon, laugh!) They care about TCC's users and always are excited for the latest pack pulls, steals and Show and Tell entries. Last, but certainly not least, you've got the TCC members themselves. Of course a Web site is nothing without visitors, and in this case members; but I think TCC has outdone itself with the kinds of options, activities and spunk it offers hobby enthusiasts young and old, and that's why it's become one of the most popular hobby-based Web sites out there.

There's a great governmental system at work here: our leaders look to the masses for direction and act upon it if they feel it is best for the greater good. What more can one person ask for?

One thing is for certain, and that's TCC will always be my stomping grounds. It's a web-based home away from home and I don't think I could ever ask for more.

entry Aug 5 2006, 12:24 AM
I've never been one to talk about myself so I'm going to keep this short — this is blog entry number one but expect more in the future. How many more, I'm not sure. School's about to start, and although the added stress surely will bring plenty to write about, I might not have the time to do such.

But to those of you who will keep up-to-date with this blog — thank you.

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