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Foregone Conclusions

What are we, stupid or something?


It seems everyone these days is monosyllabic. And that's sad. I'm seeing it all over TCC and it breaks my heart, really. It's as if people don't even look at the topic's first post, let alone the entire thread. In a way, it's kind of annoying, and when I see people who know better being so tight-lipped, I get irritated, because they're better than that.

The point of a forum like TCC's is to discuss things, to have conversations. It seems that only happens when dealing with politics or bad eBay sellers. And I'm sad is because we're all in this together, so let's support each other with a bit more attention and time. I wish I had more time than I do to prowl the TCC forums, to reply to every single thread and to even reply to PMs. I wouldn't feel so bad if I knew people were using their vocabulary more.

Maybe it's to raise post counts, I don't know. But take a minute to enjoy someone's thread, read through responses and discuss! TCC is here for us to discuss the hobby, share experiences and be a tight-nit community. Let's focus on being a bit more vocal, shall we?

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