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Draftman Blog
My Secret Sports Life
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entry Aug 17 2006, 06:59 PM
I've got an awful case of writers block!!!!!!!!!!! sad.gif

Just trying to push through it..........................
keep me in your thoughts........As I Keep Living the Dream

entry Aug 15 2006, 05:40 PM
Today's entry is on something that I've been trying to dapple in for the last couple of years; and, that is Through the Mail Autograph requests.

I try to send out at least once a day. I send one request to a current player and one request to a retired player.

I've only received a couple back soo my success rate has not been to good; but, none the less, I've enjoyed writing the letters and going though the cards.

Several players have refused to sign but were generous enough too send posters and promo items for my son and I. Hopefully; I will start getting some returns on all the requests I've send out to date.

If not..........well; at least, I'm having fun and Living the Dream.

entry Aug 14 2006, 08:29 PM
He stands on the mound looking at his opponent........... mellow.gif

The batter bows at his manager, the umpire, and finally the pitcher!

The crowd cheers as he steps into the batters box and officially kicks off the World Series........................ blink.gif blink.gif

The Little League World Series

If you have never had the privelege to see a game........please take a moment and pull yourself away from the bloated egos on ESPN or FOX; and, enjoy watching a child that is passionate about the game and truly a TEAM PLAYER! rolleyes.gif

They are..................Living the Dream!!!!!!!!!

entry Aug 12 2006, 03:42 PM
In honor of the many Pre-season games this year; I have recieved, from the main office in Montoilet Springs, Idaho, our Top Ten list for this weekend:

Please enjoy and feel free to make any comments.

Top Ten Pre-Season Injuries since "The Strike"

#10 Jeff Garcia (2005) Lions
#9 Jon Jansen (2004) Redskins
#8 Jerome McDougle (2003) Eagles
(These three injuries had immediate effect on the teams roster and time will only tell what long term effects will be felt.)

#7 Jason Sehorn (1997) Rams
#6 William Andrews (1984) Falcons
#5 Brandon Noble (2004) Redskins
#4 Ickey Woods (1991) Bengals
#3 Ki-Jana Carter (1995) Bengals
(These injuries destroyed promising careers and eventually resulted in their retirement.)

AND.... These two injuries were just devastating to a franchise and it's hopes of a championship.......possibly forever!!!!!!!!!!! unsure.gif

#2 Rex Grossman (2005) Bears

#1 Michael Vick (2004) Falcons

This has been the plague of modern-day football. The pre-season injury can sink a ship bound for glory or capsize a rebuilding team.
Regardless; in this age of year round conditioning, is the pre-season a problem? or are the players just putting to much stress on their bodies?
As a fan I love the pre-season and enjoy the games. But; as a realist, I understand why it needs to be shortened. Can you imagine the type of seasons the Falcons or Bears could of had......or what kind of players Carter and Noble could have been?

Hope you enjoyed my list.................and Keep Living the Dream!

entry Aug 9 2006, 09:16 AM

This year is ready to kick off and I can't wait. Even though it will be strange seeing players in different uniforms and commentators on different stations............to include Monday Night Football.

Did ESPN sign with Hank Jr. or is that all-to-familiar song done?

Well; Not a whole lot of NFL news to pass along yet..........soo; I thought I'd go in a different direction.

This is my unique football collecting style. cool.gif

I have been collecting one card of every person that has ever played football from College into the Pros. This is fun because it's not just the NFL. Many players go too the Arena League, CFL, or other Leagues. I collect a card of them in their college uniform and one card of each team they have played for.................regardless of the level of competition.

I'm still on the look-out for Kurt Warner Arena League cards!!!!!!! laugh.gif laugh.gif

I also have a album of each Division 1-A roster for the past 10 years. I take the roster and place a card featuring them in their college uniform. This is a challenge because not every player has a card; although, a friend has started helping me out by writing too each school's athletic dept. and getting old/new team sets.

Finally; I put together an album for each years NFL Draft. I place a card of them in a college uniform and one of their rookie cards.

SOO smile.gif ..................................If anybody has cards of players in their college uniforms...................Let Me Know!!!!!!! I have alot of holes too fill. rolleyes.gif

Can you tell I'm a Football Nut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laugh.gif

Hope I wasn't to vague.......................... blink.gif

Until next time; Just Keep Living the Dream!!!

entry Aug 8 2006, 02:10 PM
I'm not a huge basketball fan but I do follow it a little bit...........Hey; what can I say.............I'm a sports nut!!!!!

Right now, the only basketball we have is Team USA. dry.gif

Now I don't agree with using NBA Stars to fill the roster; and, this is why:

First; They don't play as a "team". They haven't played together and don't have the timing needed to beat international teams that have been playing together for years.

Second; They are PAID superstars who are obligated to the teams and cities they play for. Just imagine the implications if one of them got seriously hurt. Could you imagine the fallout if LeBron or Wade got hurt and couldn't play next year?

NEWS FLASH.......................Carmelo just got hurt!!!!!!!!

I just hope it's not serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mellow.gif

Until next time..............Just Keep Living The Dream!!!!!!!

entry Aug 7 2006, 10:22 AM
Here we are on the road to the playoffs and who would have thunk it......................... The Detroit Tigers are in the tick of it!!!!!!!! ohmy.gif

The Detroit Tigers

Can anybody even tell me, without looking it up, who all the starting pitchers are and their batting line-up? Anybody?
Now if it was the Yankees or BoSox that would be a different story.....

The American League is pretty much shaping up soo everybody place your bets.
The National League is a crap shoot.

It's pretty sad when a team can lose 8 out of 10 or totally blow a road trip AND STILL be in the wild-card race!!!!!!!??????????
But that has always been the National League.....In a nutshell!!!! tongue.gif

Enjoy the race and until tomorrow.......Just Keep Living the Dream!!

entry Aug 6 2006, 12:57 PM
Sunday's are meant for only a few things:
Cooking out on the Deck

Don't forget............Today is the Hall of Fame Pre-Season Game.

The week in review:
The bike world was rocked with controversy........ sad.gif
The baseball world is shaping up for a run at the pennant.... rolleyes.gif
The basketball world is watching Team USA....... unsure.gif
Everybody else in the world is watching the XGames..... mellow.gif


The teams are in trainng camp and I love every bit of it...........even pre-season. Now I know that it is meanless and alot of people believe it is too long; but, to us sports nuts.........it's a taste of what's to come.
You know..........the appetizer!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to see TO and Parcells going at it...........
Culpeeper, Brooks, Brees, and McNair in new uniforms........
The rookie phenons of 2006..............

Enjoy!!!!!!!!! And please never Forget to live the Dream! (Did you notice yesterday, Troy Aikman said that exact thing........Smart Man tongue.gif )

entry Aug 5 2006, 07:35 AM
In honor of this weekends Hall of Fame inductions in Canton, Ohio; I have received two Top Ten lists from our home office in Montoilet Springs, Idaho. Please enjoy and feel free to make any comments.

Top Ten Things You'll never hear at a Hall Of Fame induction:

#10 Is that a booger hanging out of my nose on that bust?

#9 Free Autographs after the induction!!!!!!!!!!

#8 The drinks are on ME.......a round for everyone..........

#7 If it wasn't for me....this team would have sucked!!!!!!

#6 The best thing about this team was the cheerleaders!!!!

#5 I would do it all over again........for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!! laugh.gif

#4 I played for the worst fans to have a football team!!!!

#3 I played for the worst city to have a football team!!!!!

#2 They were all idiots.......I hated my owner, my GM, my coach

#1 You can stick this bust right up your $&*(^@(# blink.gif


The Top Ten Players who should be in the Hall Of Fame : (but probably will never see the day)

#10 Chris Carter

#9 Norm Johnson

#8 Nick Lowery

#7 Thurman Thomas

#6 Tim Brown

#5 Bruce Smith

#4 Jay Novachek

#3 Sterling Sharpe

#2 Terrell Davis

#1 Art Monk

Hope you enjoyed this ............and keep living the Dream!!!!!!!

entry Aug 4 2006, 08:04 AM
As most people know, I love the out of the ordinary Sports Events. If you have ever done one of my trivia books or contest, alot of my questions are on this topic.


Well; for several reasons.

#1 - They love what they do and it's not about what have you done for me lately. Most don't even get paid for playing.
#2 - They love their fans and are VERY fan friendly. If you ever get a chance to go to a game......You'll see.
#3 - They don't get stuck on themselves............can we say T.O.

This week's Out Of The Ordinary Sports Event is:

Women's Professional Football

We have several teams here in Tennessee and they are fun to watch. Now don't go in the gutter here........They aren't models wearing bathing suit and high heels. They are soccer mom's, school teachers, and grandmothers. Yes i said GRANDMOTHERS!! They love football and actually play the game well. here are a few links if you would like to learn more.


The Cincinnati team is owned and run by Ickey Woods. Remember him? He played for the Bengals and did the shuffle.

If you ever get a chance.......Go and support these Ladies.

Till next time.................Remember to Live the Dream!!!!!

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