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gosox55's Blog
White Sox Collecting
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Entries on Sunday 16th August 2009

entry Aug 16 2009, 01:43 PM
Here's my latest find on sportlots.
Got it for 7$.

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1955 Bowman 1 Hoyt Wilhelm

My 55 Bowmans now stand 184/320

entry Aug 16 2009, 01:43 PM
Picked up 2 Autos and 4 Gu at the local card show with another 21 base insert Sox cards, pretty good for recent show around here.

here's the GU-Autos

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I really like the Fisk and Baines.

 | Category: Misc
entry Aug 16 2009, 08:56 AM
Here's some that I've had the fortune to acquire:
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1956 Topps Luis Aparicio (got it for 35$ delivered)

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1990 Topps Debut Promo Alex Fernandez (3$ on eBay. It was given out at the golden spike award dinner in NYC most likely hand cut from a single sheet)

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1959 Bazooka Fox (3$ on ebay - an antique dealer in Michigan didn't know what he/she had for they did not put Fox or Bazooka in the auction title or description. I sure was nervous and tense until the auction was over but did the happy sox fan dance when I won. Best deal I've ever had)

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1951 Bowman Fox (His rookie card - enough said)

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1977 Sertoma Stars Fox (harder to find than you might think)

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1996 Illinois Lottery Ticket Carlton Fisk (I think most were thrown away. It took me five years to find on eBay)

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1967 Tommy John (the last card in the set and hard to find at a affordable cost)


last but not least
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2001 Donruss Classics Legendary Lumberjacks LL4 Nellie Fox
(I like this card a lot. It's my favorite Fox card.)

Entries on Wednesday 4th March 2009

entry Mar 4 2009, 06:53 PM
I guess everybody has some “white whales”. Cards you probably will never get but really want:

Here’s five of mine (no glitter and gloss, patches and pants I'm afraid)

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1954 Wilson Franks Nellie Fox (out of my cost range, I’m afraid but it would top the list. I remember seeing the Wilson Franks packages as a kid - yeah I’m a old codger)
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2007 Topps Wal Mart Variation 292 Josh Fields (probably rarer than the Wilson Franks but not as expensive but still pretty much out of reach for my budget)

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1990 Topps 414a Frank Thomas (no name on front) (ditto the Wilson Franks as to cost)

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1953 Dixie Lids Nellie Fox (I also remember seeing these as a kid. Also quite expensive for a good copy.)

and here's one more:

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1963 Topps 537 Al Weis. It's one of those four on one rookie cards
and there seems to be a fella named Rose on it. Enough said.

entry Mar 4 2009, 05:03 PM
I've updated my web site and added GU and Auto cards from my Sox collection. Not near as many as most but I don't specialize in them but add them as I find them.

Also added a page with links to some great card sites on the net.

Just put a page with links to some oddball sets 4 now maybe moe later

entry Mar 4 2009, 05:03 PM
I'm in Album 24 out of 29 getting my collection scanned. Big job, i'm working on 2004 and I'm up to 1500 + scans (9 to 1 card a scan). If I have space on my free Photobucket I'm going to upload them all.

UPDATE: It's done! the collection is scanned (1744 scans) and uploaded
(31 albums) here's a link (Just click on the album you want to see on the left.)

My White Sox PC

I also scanned my 55 Bowman collection 181/320 (creases and all)

My 1955 Bowman Collection

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