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Cincinnatigrl's Blog
my life
entry Aug 19 2008, 09:09 PM
ok, so there are 2 days left until school starts again, which half of me is excited about and the other half isnt. I went to Toys R Us today, which is going to lose my business, just to randomly buy some cards.
i picked up a box and it said theree was going to be a jersey card and 3 packs in it. there were 3 packs, but no jersey card, and then i realized that the top was closed but it was closed with tape like somebody had opened it. man. it made me so mad.
thats pretty much all i did today.
i went to my sisters marching band thing. she plays the saxophone. it was cool i guess. i will post more stuff later. i have to continue writing my essay

entry Aug 17 2008, 02:20 PM
hey guys and gals!
So, right now i have to do stupid summer reading and I have to find like 5 quotes i differences from Chinese culture and American culture, from the novel, The Joy Luck Club. And then i have to read this other book called This Boys Life, which i am almost finished with.
Sorry, this is probably boring you a lot right now!
So, i have been talking to this guy Conor for a while and i really like him. smile.gif he goes to a different school but his mom and my mom are like best friends for life so thats pretty cool.
wow. i am boring myself with this blog topic. i sincerely apologize. smile.gif
apparently Chad Johnson is trying to legally change his last name to Ocho Cinco just so he can wear it on the back of his jersey. Immaturity, or cockiness?

Entry hmmm

entry Aug 17 2008, 12:15 AM
so today was a pretty boring day....
i have to sleep in the basement and not my bed because my aunt marian is here and sleeping in my bed....WHATEVS
i am soooo bored.
today i went to this random street dance with my friends, and it was actually kinda lame, but i had fun anyways.
what else.....
i got school supplies at staples, the funnest thing ever! haha. just kidding. i am actually kind of excited for school to start though, because i havent been to my school in 2 years because my mom sent me to boarding school which sucked.
but yeah im excited. junior year baby!

entry Aug 15 2008, 12:24 AM
ok, so i realized that i did not write enough.

ummm i live in cincinnati, if you couldnt tell by my user name.
and i love the bengals and the Reds

my favorite baseball players are Bo Jackson, Mike Greenwell, Cal Ripken Jr., and Scott Rolen. and all of the Reds

My favorite basketball player is Lebron

and my favorite football players are all of the Bengals and Jeremy Shockey
defenitely not Michael Vick. SHAME ON HIM

i collect mostly baseball cards.

ummm yeah. cool.

entry Aug 15 2008, 12:20 AM
so, i have never done a blog before, and i dont know what to say.

hmmm. sports. I am very dissapointed in the Reds. i know that they are trying to build up a new team, but come on? Dusty Baker, your strategy is to trade Griffey and Dunn?! man.

and the Bengals. I love Chad Johnson, but he said something that got on my nerves. He said he could beat Michael Phelps at swimming.

The Fact that you can beat a horse running does not mean you can beat the worlds fastest man in swimming!!


Lo-Fi Version Time: 24th June 2024 - 12:50 PM



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