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tj2373's Blog
Updating my Excel files, players collecting, set building, and running my freewebs page
entry Feb 1 2009, 03:33 PM
Going to root for the AFC (can't go against the conference) and pick the Steelers. It's going to be a good game.

Made some changes/updates to my Freewebs page. I have updated the look of the website, looks pretty cool, go on over and check it out. Added and organized the layout a bit, instead of listing every card I have or want to trade, listed by player and total number of cards for each player. Most of the card lots are base and insert, a few have a game used.

Have a few more trades completed and a few more pending since my last entry. I see my goal of 100, have 33 more trades to go.

Can't wait until later this month when Topps releases their 2009 packs and boxes for its Heritage baseball set.

entry Dec 18 2008, 07:56 PM
Wow, almost an entire year has gone by since my last entry. Where has the time gone? Guess we're gonna have to make some more time to post more entries on my blogs. I'm up to 64 transactions, creeping closer to 100. Looking forward to the holidays and spending time with my family. Still updating my inventory in Excel, that is going pretty well. Coming close to completing a few of my Topps Heritage sets from 2001-2007, and will add 2008 to the list. Looking forward to next year's Topps and Topps Heritage releases.

I guess all good things must come to and end as the Yankees didn't make the playoffs for the first time in 13 years. Looks like Cashman has a plan to load up with pitching (already has in my opinion, signing Sabathia and Burnett, just need to get Teixiera, not Manny). Hopefully Hughes can make the rotation after an injury filled year, had decent stats in Arizona Fall League. Ian Kennedy is another one I am looking for to make a rebound and get it together at the Major League level. Was surprised to see he almost threw a no hitter in his first Triple A start after his demotion. I am glad that they let Pavano go after his 4 year non existence in the rotation. I think the Yankees will be in contention again and open the inaugural season at the "new" Yankee Stadium with October baseball.

I am disappointed (along with the rest of Bills Nation) with the way the Buffalo Bills season has gone, after starting 4-0, then 5-1. Looked like they were going to make it until they lost all 3 division games and looks like it will happen again on the 28th when they face the Patriots. Once again the Bills Nation has been let down. Oh yeah, New York Jets, you're welcome for that win on Sunday.

As for the way the Devils season is going, I'm pretty surprised that they are playing as well as they are. After Marty went down, I was with the rest of the Devils fans and thinking they were done for the season. Now we are being proven wrong by their play, was happy to see (well listened to the game on XM) beat the Rangers last Friday. The Devils have a tough task ahead of them as the season goes on. Hopefully when Marty returns, either in late Feb or early March, the Devils will still be in contention for a playoff spot.

In closing, will post some of my goals for next year:
1. Reach 100 transactions with no failed transactions
2. Collect and finish 2009 Topps set
3. Collect 2009 Topps Heritage set
4. Bring my 2001-2008 Topps Heritage sets closer to completion
5. Finish reading Stephen King's Dark Tower series (already started book 1, 7 total in the series)
6. Read and finish Star Wars: The New Jedi Order series (over 20 books)
7. Learn to cook a few new recipes

I'm sure I will think of a few other goals to add to my list. Hope everyone who reads this has a Happy Holiday Season!

entry Mar 18 2008, 07:10 PM
When you're busy and having some fun along the way. Since my last entry alot has been going on. Started acquiring both 2008 Topps and Topps Heritage by the packs, have a 08 Topps Heritage box on the way from Dave and Adam's Cardworld along with some soft sleeves, should be here this week. Also have a deal worked out to fill some holes in my Derek Jeter collection, thanks to bcoleman. My push for 50 is getting closer, one transaction pending, 45 completed. Will compile a list of my set needs soon, have alot going on over the next two weeks. Getting back to the last few weeks since my last entry, took the family to see the Monster Jam Series Monster Trucks at UTEP's Sunbowl. Speednetwork was there taping and will air later this year. This past weekend my wife and I spent the night at the Inn of the Mountain Gods resort in Ruidoso, NM. Smashmouth was in concert, pretty good show. Was pretty nice not having to drive home after the show, our room was only a short walk inside the hotel. This coming weekend taking our son to go see Sesame Street Live Elmo Grows Up at the Abraham Chavez Theater in El Paso, TX. Then afterwards coming back home to color Easter eggs with my father in law. May not be on for a week or two after this weekend as I will be busy with work. Going up to Albuquerque, NM for the weekend, going to see Megadeth on the 13th. Can't wait. Until next time......

entry Feb 3 2008, 12:32 PM
Go Giants!!!!! Grew up minutes from Giants Stadium, even though they beat my Bills in the Super Bowl, going to root for the hometown team today. Working on a few more deals, now have 42 completed transactions. Added more scans of my Derek Jeter cards to my gallery. Also included my 1982 Topps Cal Ripken. Also working on helping out a fellow Topps Heritage set collector on their set needs. Going to take some time going thru their have lists and come up with their needs list. As for my set needs, getting close to finishing a few of my sets thanks to my last few trades. Currently working on a deal to acquire some Jeters I don't have, mainly 2004 thru 2007. Also going to update my card inventory sometime this week, may start today as I have my 2007 Topps Heritage dupes sitting here in a box in front of me. Until next time............

entry Jan 26 2008, 11:18 AM
I've got 3 trades pending, brings me to 43 when they are complete, thanks guys (jtssportscards, RGBII, ichibanmnm). Working on a few others, still negotiating. Tried out the scanner on my HP printer/scanner for the first time, uploaded images of the Brooks Robinson cards I have in the Baseball Marketplace topic as well as in my Gallery. Going to scan some more cards over the coming weeks. Work continues on my Excel inventory files, have to look over my player collections and update those. I'm still deciding if I want to build the 6,500 Yankee set that Upper Deck is releasing this year in their other products, I may get a few boxes of each to get a start, will wait and see what the cards will go for. It may take me a few years to do, but hey it's the Yankees and there's alot of history with the franchise. Can't wait to get my Stadium and Yankees Magazines here shortly, should start receiving them in the next few weeks. Continuing to pull cards for player lots that I may be trading, taking a while to do as I am starting from the sets I have finished inventorying into my Excel files. Have a pretty good size lots on Ivan Rodriguez, Mike Piazza, Greg Maddux, Glavine, Manny Ramirez, and others. May look on ebay to see if I can pick up a few with game used to entice the lots a bit. Until next time.................

entry Jan 19 2008, 12:34 PM
When you're having fun at work and home!!! Working on my freewebs page, finished updating my set needs after receiving my 2001 Topps Heritage card lots, they put a good size dent in what I needed for the Red/Black backs. Completed my 40th transaction on here, now I am planning a push for 50, don't know if I want to set a date as to when I want to reach this goal yet. Still building up player lots to trade, been getting different packs of cards by buying 3 pack blister packs at Wal-Mart and getting some decent cards. Going to list more trade bait over the next few days, push some of my topics that have gone off the first page instead of creating new ones for what I have listed already. Still building up my player lots I am using as trade bait, I may search ebay for certain players. The push for 50 begins!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More to come.

entry Jan 10 2008, 12:12 AM
Wow, its amazing what some organizing can do for your limited space. The boxes I ordered from Ernie's are paying off, took some cards I had sitting in Ultra Pro holders in a 3200 count box, mainly my Jeter's, Mattingly's and a few other odds and ends and put them in a 1600 count box. Had some Insert set cards in there as well, combined all of those and a few other into another 1600 count box. Now I have a 3200 count box empty for more storage space. My 2001 Topps set (still working on it only 47 cards to go) and 1973 Topps set are in 800 count and 660 count boxes, respectively. Should have taken a picture of what the top of my dresser looked like before I started this, stacks of cards everywhere and I didn't knock one down when hitting the snooze button in the mornings!!! LOL!!!

entry Jan 6 2008, 10:52 PM
Started this yesterday, continuing to do this today. I've seen a few players that people on here are interested in, will see if I can get rid of some of these players for what my collection lacks. This may take a few days as I do not have my entire collection inventory complete. Have to search my boxes and make sure I don't miss any cards. Once I have finished my search, in between acquiring cards for my collection needs, will start posting threads for these player lots available for trade.

entry Jan 5 2008, 01:47 PM
Been lacking updates to my freewebs page lately, been busy with that over the last few mornings. Updated my set needs for 2001 Topps Heritage as I have just acquired 2 card lots for this set. I have put a major dent in what I need for this set by acquiring one card lot of Red backs 1-80 and one card lot of Black backs 1-80. When I receive them, will update set needs again. Also going thru my collection and will be posting cards I am trading/selling on my freewebs as well as creating threads here on TCC.


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