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Tony Gwynn
Discussing the player, cards, and anything else!
entry Oct 13 2007, 08:13 PM
I decided to go home today and gather my mail. I had some nice Tony Gwynn stuff that came in. I got a binder of 280 of so cards of him, I got a 2004 auto, a Gwynn Jr redemption auto (which I redeemed), a legendary cuts gu, a dual auto from co-signers with garcia, and a gwynn jr exquisite signatures with choo freeman. I also got some inserts and base of Tony and Alex. Overall a nice mail day. Most of what I got has been scanned and added to my bucket. I'm really looking for some Gwynn 1/1's since I don't have any and more ARod auto's since I only have 5ish. My collection is growing every day, but it's not even close to where I want it to be. It's hard to trade though when you have others things you have to do. I'm trying to balance trading and writing a 7 page paper for my Sport Marketing class that is due on Monday, so before I write 7 pages here I'm going to save that for my real paper. Until next time, take care!

entry Oct 11 2007, 05:55 PM
Today I continue my quest to have all cards of Gwynn and Arod. Yes, I understand this is impossible, but I'm having fun in my attempt. I am currently working in building up a baseball tradelist so I am trading away everything that is non-baseball for baseball only. I'm also no longer collecting the long list of other players I was collecting. I find them having a more focused collection has its pros and cons, but I think the final result will be for the best. Tonight I hope to make a few more trades to better my trade bait. Although in order for me to get all these cards I have to take a trip home. Once I do that I will have a nice baseball photobucket. Afterwards I hope then I can begin asking for Gwynn and Arod cards on here and have things for trade that people will want. I also need to work on recording my cards so that I know what I have. I don't really want to have too many dupes, but I don't want to say no to a card that I will eventually need. Once I get all of my base/inserts recorded then I will attempt to get whatever I don't have. I know that I have a good collection going and I just need to do better documenting it. I haven't limited my collection of these players to just cards. I'm trying to collect other things like McFarlines and Beckett's with them pictured and other types of things. I did pick up some nice things at Cooperstown and the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony this past July of Tony Gwynn. Since I have followed these players throughout their careers I have found that I have a real passion for collect cards, memorabilia and other items of these players. I hope to soon have scans of most of my cards from my PC for all to view so I can share my joy with others. Time to get back to the forums and get trading. Take Care!

entry Oct 11 2007, 10:44 AM
This is my first post so hopefully this will go well. I would like to discuss here my collection and my two favorites players: Alex Rodriguez and Tony Gwynn. I am on the search to get as many cards of these to players as possible. Yes, this is emptying out my pockets faster then it's coming in. I currently have a wall of my room at home for each player that I hang up nice cards. I figured why let my collection sit in a box for no one to see. I actually enjoy looking at it and the visual gives me a better way to remember what cards I have. I hopefully will be taking pictures of it soon for all to see. I find that my Gwynn collection is a lot easier to build then my ARod collection. Recently I've picked up a lot of Gwynn cards and are waiting for them in the mail biggrin.gif . If any of you have some Gwynn or ARod cards that are for trade please let me know. I'm more interested in cards that are hard to find like low numbered, gu, multi colored patches, and autos. I also am looking for high graded (9-10) rcs of both players. I would like to trade for them as it doesn't hurt the pockets so much, but I always find it card to do because I never have the "right" card for that person. I'm working now on building up my tradebait to have something for everyone, at least thats my hope. I'm trying to get some higher end cards because I know what the cards I'm looking for book. I clearly understand that an ARod auto is not cheap. Unfortunately the whole sell value trading hurts me with this because it's hard to get the high valued cards without buying them. If you would like to see some of the cards in both of these collections "View my Gallery" as many of the nice cards are pictured there. Well it's time to go get some lunch before work and my one class of the day. I'll be back later this afternoon to continue trading. Feel free to comment. Take care everyone!

If you would like to see a blog I'm doing for my class go here:
Alex Rodriguez blog


Lo-Fi Version Time: 8th June 2024 - 06:11 AM



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