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 | Category: Nationals
entry Aug 25 2017, 10:47 PM
On Monday 21 Aug 2017 I had a single envelope single card mail day. From Ebay for $5.99 Free Shipping:
2017 Topps Now Baseball: 402 Brian Goodwin, Wilmer Difo, Bryce Harper and Ryan Zimmerman Nationals Back-to-Back-to-Back-to-Back Home Runs Power Record Day

 | Category: Nationals
entry Aug 5 2017, 06:20 PM
On Saturday 05 Aug 2017: A single card mail day from Ebay bought as BIN at $7.75 Free shipping.
2017 Topps Now Baseball: 64 Bryce Harper Nationals 19 Apr Grand Slam & Solo Homer goes 4-for-4

 | Category: Nationals
entry Aug 5 2017, 02:24 AM
Wednesday 02 Aug:
Single card from Ebay BIN $7.90 Free Shipping
2017 Topps Now Baseball: 83 Trea Turner Nationals 25 Apr Hits for Cycle

 | Category: Nationals
entry Sep 12 2014, 11:18 PM
ON Thursday 11 Sep 2014: I got two cards from an Ebay seller Shipping was combined $2.25 for both cards and both were only .90¢ each 1 bid (they had BINS of $1.20 or $1.25 something like that I decided to be cheap because I didn't want to spend too much at least on the RC)

2014 Topps Baseball: Red Border: (Target Exclusive)
332 Stephen Strasburg Nationals
337 Zach Walters Nationals (Now With Indians)

 | Category: Nationals
entry Mar 4 2008, 07:26 PM
On Monday 03 March 2008 I received some Nationals cards from a group break and some Capitals cards I purchased from a TCC Member's personal box break.

The Hockey cards were from the 2007/08 Upper Deck Series 2. I got 5 cards all base of Michael Nylander 448, Donald Brashear 447, Victor Kozlov 446, Tom Poti 445 and Alexander Ovechkin 444.

The Nationals cards I got were from a group box break of 2005 Diamond Kings, 2007 SPX and 2007 Bowman Sterling I got Nick Johnson 100 base SPX (I have one or two more of this one, I think at least one), Jose Vidro 81 Reflections, Diamond Kings 250 Ryan Church (Think I have this one also) and 140 Livan Hernandez and a Bowman Sterling GU of Demitri Young BS-DDY

 | Category: Nationals
entry Sep 17 2007, 11:42 PM
Got 7 Nationals Cards (1 Dupe)
These are mostly for my PC (There is a Wilkerson Dupe so the dupe I can put up FT)

user posted image

2006 Upper Deck Ryan Drese
2005 Topps Christian Guzman
2005 Topps Terrmel Sledge
2006 Fleer Livan Hernandez
2006 Upper Deck Sweet Spot Nick Johnson
2007 Upper Deck Ramon Ortiz
2006 Topps Brad Wilkerson (pic in Nats Uniform Card Marked as Ranger - (2)

 | Category: Nationals
entry Sep 14 2007, 05:32 PM
IN the mail today I got cards from two auctions. They were:
1974 Topps John Grubb - Washington National League
1974 Topps Dave Hilton - Washington National League (Got one that I received around last week)
1974 Topps Fred Kendall - Washington National League
1974 Topps Glenn Beckert - San Diego Padres (picture shows him in Cubs Uniform) - (3)
1974 Topps Jerry Morales - Chicago Cubs (picture shows him in a San Deigo Padres Uniform) - (3) - I already had one or two of this card perhaps in better shape, not sure. Jerry is now the First Base Coach for the Washington Nationals.
1974 Topps John Grubb - San Diego Padres - (Was extra card with the 6 error cards.)

Plus the cool card of the day:
2000 Upper Deck SP Future Watch Nick Johnson (In a D amn Yankee Uniform) I used it in my signature for at one time.

user posted image

 | Category: Nationals
entry Sep 11 2007, 12:15 AM
On my trip to the House of Cards in Silver Spring. I picked up the Allen & Ginter's 2007 Washington Nationals Set for $7.
user posted image

The Set Consists of:
Manny Acta
Chad Cordero
Austin Kearns
Nick Johnson
Ryan Zimmerman

Bonus card Ryan Zimmerman Dick Perez Card

user posted image

The card is actually fully centered but my scanner chopped off the side since the card was on the edge of the scanning area.

 | Category: Nationals
entry Sep 6 2007, 02:04 PM
user posted image

Yes! My Nationals are in 4th place above the Florida Marlins and seem to be solidly there (Hopefully). Now there is NO WAY they will lose 100 games this season, like the "quote" experts "unquote" were predicting. If they lose all of the remaining games 99 losses will be the worst they can do. Somehow I don't think they will lose 22 straight. They should get at least another 10 "Curly W's". They probably will still be under .500 but at least they aren't as bad as the doomsayers were saying at the beginning of the season.

 | Category: Nationals
entry Aug 29 2007, 12:40 PM
Here is a list of cards from an Ebay Auction I won. In all there were 23 National cards, I had some of them already. Unless I have a dupe they are NFT.

2007 Upper Deck 49 Beltron Perez RC
2007 Upper Deck 457 Ryan Zimmerman
2007 Upper Deck 50 Brett Campbell RC
2007 Upper Deck 460 Brian Schneider
2007 Upper Deck 463 Ryan Church
2007 Upper Deck 459 Felipe Lopez
2007 Fleer 3 Nick Johnson
2007 Fleer 1 Chad Cordero
2007 Fleer 4 Austin Kearns (Have Dupe)
2007 Fleer 10 Christian Guzman (Have Dupe)
2007 Fleer 6 Brian Schneider (Have Dupe)
2007 Fleer 7 Ryan Zimmerman (Have Dupe)
2007 Topps 593 Washington Nationals Team Card (Have Dupes)
2007 Topps Generation Now GN230 Ryan Zimmerman "47 Doubles"
2007 Topps 501 Mike O'Connor (Have Dupe)
2007 Topps 629 Lavale Speigner (Dupe?)
2007 Topps 556 John Patterson (Have Dupe)
2007 Topps 572 Alex Escobar (Dupe?)
2007 Topps 551 Ronnie Belliard (Dupe?)
2006 Topps T3 Ryan Zimmerman - National Baseball Card Day (Have Dupes)
2007 Topps Heritage 98 Ryan Zimmerman (White Name)
2007 Fleer Tradition RS-RZ Ryan Zimmerman (Have Dupe)
2007 Topps Heritage 114 Brian Schneider (Very sweet card, sweet series)


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