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babydave Posted on: Jun 11 2012, 10:45 PM

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Posts: 3
Joined: 10-September 06

I have a lot of Marvel and X-Men cards for sale or trade. I don't have lists, and they're boxed up. I'm mostly looking for someone with a general interest that would be willing to trade something somewhat interesting for them.

  Forum: Entertainment Trading · Post Preview: #2730178 · Replies: 1 · Views: 4,700

babydave Posted on: Jul 7 2007, 08:21 PM

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Posts: 3
Joined: 10-September 06

Here is a list of comics and movie posters I have for sale or trade. Contact me at babydave_npv @ yahoo . com if you're interested.

In general, I'm looking for art books and various comic type things, but I'm open to looking at what you have and working something out.

Abominations, The: 1-3
Action Comics: 685-688
Adventures of Superman: 498-502
Alpha Flight: 110, 111
Amazing Spider-Man: 350,359, 364-367, 375, 378-380
Aquaman (1991): 1-7
Armageddon 2001: 1-2, Alien Agenda: 1-4,
Avengers: 314, 341-342, 345-347, 360, 365, 368-369, West Coast: 56, 58, 81-82, 101, Annual 5
Spotlight: 30
Batman: 474, 500, Annual 15
Batman Legends of the Dark Knight: 27, 134
Batman Shadow of the Bat: 1
Batman Sword of Azrael: 1
Batman Vs. Predator: 1, 2
Batman Detective Comics: 641
Batman/Spawn: War Devil
Bloodstrike: 1
Brigade: 1, 2 w/coupon, 2nd 1
Cage: 1-3
Captain Marvel: Wizard #0
Cartoonist, The: 1
Chaos Quarterly: 1-3
Chastity: Theater of Pain 1-3
Cyberforce: 0-2
Daredevil: 278
Darker Image: 1
Darkhawk: 13, 25
Darkhold: 1
Darkness, The: 11
Deadly Foes of Spider-Man: 1-4
Deathblow: 1-2
Deathmate: Prologue, Blue, Yellow, Black, Epilogue
Death's Head II: 1
Deathstroke the Terminator: 6-13
Demon, The: 23
Desperate Times: Image 1-2, 4
Dicks: 1-4
Divine Right: 4
Dr. Strange: 28, 36-44, 50
Dome: Ground Zero
Doom 2099: 1
Fantastic Four: 337, 347, 358, 366-367, 371
Flash: 51
Gen 13/Generation X:1
Ghost Rider: Annual 1
Green Lantern: 25, 48
Guardians of the Galaxy: 10, 13-14, 17-43

Hitman: 10-11, 16
Incredible Hulk: 390-393, 395-400, 402-405, 407, 409-410, 412-416, 418-419, 422, 424-426, 428-433,
437, 442-445, 447-453, 458-459, 461-462, 464-465, Minus 1, Annual '97
Infinity War: 1-4
Justice League America: Annual 5
Justice League Spectacular: 1
Lady Death: Various issues
Lost Heroes: 0-4
Lost Universe: 4
Major Bummer: 1
Marvel Age: 115-116, 118-119, 1992 Preview
Marvel Comics Presents: 64-71, 90-100, 109-111, 143-144
Maverick: 1 shot
Morbius the Living Vampire: 1-11
Namor: 24, 37
Nevada: 1-6
New Titans: 83-84
New Warriors: 1-29, 33-37, 40, Annual 1,3

Night Thrasher: 1, Four Control: 1
Nightstalkers: 1-4, 8
Nova: 1, 3
Omen, The: 1-5
Others, The: 0
Pitt: 1-2
Primortals: 1-14, Origins: 1-2.
Punisher, The: 59, 60, War Zone: 1-2
Purgatori: The Vampire's Myth 1-4, Dracula Gambit: 1
Ravage 2099: 1
Ray, The: In A Blaze of Glory 1, 4-6
Rivets and Ruby: 2
Robin II: The Joker's Wild: 1-4
Sachs & Violens: 2-3
Secret Wars II: 2-3
Secret Defenders: 1
Silver Sable & the Wild Pack: 1-3 (1 & 2 autographed by artist)
Silver Surfer: 34, 61-70
Sleepwalker: 1-7
Solitare: 1
Spawn: 4-8, 11-29, 89
Spectacular Spider-Man: 177-179, 181-182, 185-186
Spider-Man: 13-14, 17-26, 35-37, Saga1, Unlimited 1, 2099 1
Stargodz: 1-2
Star Seed: 8-9
Superman: 74, 76-78, Annual 3
Superman the Man of Steel: 20-22
T2 (movie adaptation): 1-3
Tales of the Darkness: 1
Team Youngblood: 1, 4

Thor: 414, 432-435, 440-451
Troll: 1
Ultraverse: Breatk-thru 1
U.S. (Uncle Sam): 1-2
Venom Lethal Protector: 1-6
Warlands: 1-12
Warlock and the Infinity Watch: 1-2
Web of Spider-Man: 90
What if...?:20-21, 26-27, 29, 31, 33, 45
Wildcats: 1-4, Sourcebook 1, Special 1, Trilogy 1-3
Wonder Man: 7-9
Youngblood: 0-4, Battlezone 1, Strikefile 1-4, Yearbook 1

Wizard 1/2s: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Astro City, Dawn, The Tenth,Bone, Witchblade/Tomb Raider, Earth X, Star Wars Episode 1, Star Wars:Rogue Squadron, Star Wars Boba Fett

Image Zero
Valiant: Dr. Mirage 1, X-O Manowar 0, Rai and the Future Force 9, Turok 1, Magnus 25, Magnus Vs Predator 1, Bloodshot 1,
Devil's Reign: 1, 4-6, 8
Amalgam: JLX, X-Patrol, Iron Lantern, Dark Claw Adventures, Lobo the Duck, Generation Hex, X-Patrol2,
JLX Unleashed
Painkiller Jane Vs The Darkness
Inhumans: 1 (Jenkins/Lee)
Team X/Team 7
Youngblood/X Force
Knights of Pendragon: 1-3
Spyboy: 1-7
Fault Lines: 6
Desperadoes: 1-5
Guy Gardner: Reborn: 1
Image Plus: 1
Dumped (Andi Watson)
Lots of Wizard #0s and other stuff from the magazine
Kabuki: Circle of Blood: 6 (signed by David Mack)
Army of Darkness: Ashes 2 Ashes: 1-4, Shop til You Drop Dead: 1-4
Countdown to Infinite Crisis
Small Gods: 1
Elsinore: 1
Season of the Reaper: 1
Blackburne Covenant: 1
The Gift: 1
Iron Ghost: 1
Brit: 1
Bacchus: 1
Nick Fury’s Howling Commandos: 1
Heavy Liquid: 1-3
Soulwind: 1-4
Negative Burn (2006): 1-5
Infinite Crisis: 1 (Perez cover)
Marvel Zombies: 2(first print)
Secret Wars: 4
Ultimate X-Men: 13-14
Eternals: 1 (Gaiman/Romita Jr.)
52: 1
Flash: The Fastest Man Alive: 1-5
Occult Crimes Task Force: 1
All Star Batman and Robin: 4
Fables: 45
Wildcats: 1 (Morrison/Lee)
Doll and Creature: 1-4 (newer version w/ color)
Transformers: Evolutions: Hearts of Steel: 1-4
Ninja Scroll: 1-3

Black Gas: 1 (Signed by Warren Ellis)
X Force: -1-49, 51-71
Generation X: -1-10
X Factor: -1, 41-43, 69-74, 76-105, 107-115, 117-121, 123, 125-127, 130-131, 133-134, 137-141, Annual 6
Cable: 1, 33, -1
X Man: 16, -1
Wolverine: 102
Uncanny X Men: 259, 279, 304, 282 reprint, -1
Stryfe's Strike File
X Men: -1
Silver Surfer: Vol 4 - #3
Mek: 1-3
Man with the Screaming Brain: 1-4
Singularity 7: 1-4
X-Men: The End Book One: Dreamers and Demons: 1
Shaun of the Dead: 1-4
Tron: 1


Sweet November
The Musketeer
Enemy at the Gates
Cats and Dogs
Osmosis Jones
The Score
Crocodile Dundee in LA
Rugrats in Paris
Training Day
Sugar and Spice
Just Visiting
3000 Miles to Graceland
Dungeons and Dragons
Down to Earth
Save the Last Dance
Tomb Raider
Jurassic Park 3
Spy Game
Along Came A Spider
The Fast and the Furious
Saving Silverman
Planet of the Apes
Dracula 2000
  Forum: Everything Else Marketplace · Post Preview: #726318 · Replies: 0 · Views: 581

babydave Posted on: Jul 7 2007, 08:20 PM

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Posts: 3
Joined: 10-September 06

Here is a list of comics and movie posters I have for sale or trade. Contact me at babydave_npv @ yahoo . com if you're interested.

In general, I'm looking for art books and various comic type things, but I'm open to looking at what you have and working something out.

Abominations, The: 1-3
Action Comics: 685-688
Adventures of Superman: 498-502
Alpha Flight: 110, 111
Amazing Spider-Man: 350,359, 364-367, 375, 378-380
Aquaman (1991): 1-7
Armageddon 2001: 1-2, Alien Agenda: 1-4,
Avengers: 314, 341-342, 345-347, 360, 365, 368-369, West Coast: 56, 58, 81-82, 101, Annual 5
Spotlight: 30
Batman: 474, 500, Annual 15
Batman Legends of the Dark Knight: 27, 134
Batman Shadow of the Bat: 1
Batman Sword of Azrael: 1
Batman Vs. Predator: 1, 2
Batman Detective Comics: 641
Batman/Spawn: War Devil
Bloodstrike: 1
Brigade: 1, 2 w/coupon, 2nd 1
Cage: 1-3
Captain Marvel: Wizard #0
Cartoonist, The: 1
Chaos Quarterly: 1-3
Chastity: Theater of Pain 1-3
Cyberforce: 0-2
Daredevil: 278
Darker Image: 1
Darkhawk: 13, 25
Darkhold: 1
Darkness, The: 11
Deadly Foes of Spider-Man: 1-4
Deathblow: 1-2
Deathmate: Prologue, Blue, Yellow, Black, Epilogue
Death's Head II: 1
Deathstroke the Terminator: 6-13
Demon, The: 23
Desperate Times: Image 1-2, 4
Dicks: 1-4
Divine Right: 4
Dr. Strange: 28, 36-44, 50
Dome: Ground Zero
Doom 2099: 1
Fantastic Four: 337, 347, 358, 366-367, 371
Flash: 51
Gen 13/Generation X:1
Ghost Rider: Annual 1
Green Lantern: 25, 48
Guardians of the Galaxy: 10, 13-14, 17-43

Hitman: 10-11, 16
Incredible Hulk: 390-393, 395-400, 402-405, 407, 409-410, 412-416, 418-419, 422, 424-426, 428-433,
437, 442-445, 447-453, 458-459, 461-462, 464-465, Minus 1, Annual '97
Infinity War: 1-4
Justice League America: Annual 5
Justice League Spectacular: 1
Lady Death: Various issues
Lost Heroes: 0-4
Lost Universe: 4
Major Bummer: 1
Marvel Age: 115-116, 118-119, 1992 Preview
Marvel Comics Presents: 64-71, 90-100, 109-111, 143-144
Maverick: 1 shot
Morbius the Living Vampire: 1-11
Namor: 24, 37
Nevada: 1-6
New Titans: 83-84
New Warriors: 1-29, 33-37, 40, Annual 1,3

Night Thrasher: 1, Four Control: 1
Nightstalkers: 1-4, 8
Nova: 1, 3
Omen, The: 1-5
Others, The: 0
Pitt: 1-2
Primortals: 1-14, Origins: 1-2.
Punisher, The: 59, 60, War Zone: 1-2
Purgatori: The Vampire's Myth 1-4, Dracula Gambit: 1
Ravage 2099: 1
Ray, The: In A Blaze of Glory 1, 4-6
Rivets and Ruby: 2
Robin II: The Joker's Wild: 1-4
Sachs & Violens: 2-3
Secret Wars II: 2-3
Secret Defenders: 1
Silver Sable & the Wild Pack: 1-3 (1 & 2 autographed by artist)
Silver Surfer: 34, 61-70
Sleepwalker: 1-7
Solitare: 1
Spawn: 4-8, 11-29, 89
Spectacular Spider-Man: 177-179, 181-182, 185-186
Spider-Man: 13-14, 17-26, 35-37, Saga1, Unlimited 1, 2099 1
Stargodz: 1-2
Star Seed: 8-9
Superman: 74, 76-78, Annual 3
Superman the Man of Steel: 20-22
T2 (movie adaptation): 1-3
Tales of the Darkness: 1
Team Youngblood: 1, 4

Thor: 414, 432-435, 440-451
Troll: 1
Ultraverse: Breatk-thru 1
U.S. (Uncle Sam): 1-2
Venom Lethal Protector: 1-6
Warlands: 1-12
Warlock and the Infinity Watch: 1-2
Web of Spider-Man: 90
What if...?:20-21, 26-27, 29, 31, 33, 45
Wildcats: 1-4, Sourcebook 1, Special 1, Trilogy 1-3
Wonder Man: 7-9
Youngblood: 0-4, Battlezone 1, Strikefile 1-4, Yearbook 1

Wizard 1/2s: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Astro City, Dawn, The Tenth,Bone, Witchblade/Tomb Raider, Earth X, Star Wars Episode 1, Star Wars:Rogue Squadron, Star Wars Boba Fett

Image Zero
Valiant: Dr. Mirage 1, X-O Manowar 0, Rai and the Future Force 9, Turok 1, Magnus 25, Magnus Vs Predator 1, Bloodshot 1,
Devil's Reign: 1, 4-6, 8
Amalgam: JLX, X-Patrol, Iron Lantern, Dark Claw Adventures, Lobo the Duck, Generation Hex, X-Patrol2,
JLX Unleashed
Painkiller Jane Vs The Darkness
Inhumans: 1 (Jenkins/Lee)
Team X/Team 7
Youngblood/X Force
Knights of Pendragon: 1-3
Spyboy: 1-7
Fault Lines: 6
Desperadoes: 1-5
Guy Gardner: Reborn: 1
Image Plus: 1
Dumped (Andi Watson)
Lots of Wizard #0s and other stuff from the magazine
Kabuki: Circle of Blood: 6 (signed by David Mack)
Army of Darkness: Ashes 2 Ashes: 1-4, Shop til You Drop Dead: 1-4
Countdown to Infinite Crisis
Small Gods: 1
Elsinore: 1
Season of the Reaper: 1
Blackburne Covenant: 1
The Gift: 1
Iron Ghost: 1
Brit: 1
Bacchus: 1
Nick Fury’s Howling Commandos: 1
Heavy Liquid: 1-3
Soulwind: 1-4
Negative Burn (2006): 1-5
Infinite Crisis: 1 (Perez cover)
Marvel Zombies: 2(first print)
Secret Wars: 4
Ultimate X-Men: 13-14
Eternals: 1 (Gaiman/Romita Jr.)
52: 1
Flash: The Fastest Man Alive: 1-5
Occult Crimes Task Force: 1
All Star Batman and Robin: 4
Fables: 45
Wildcats: 1 (Morrison/Lee)
Doll and Creature: 1-4 (newer version w/ color)
Transformers: Evolutions: Hearts of Steel: 1-4
Ninja Scroll: 1-3

Black Gas: 1 (Signed by Warren Ellis)
X Force: -1-49, 51-71
Generation X: -1-10
X Factor: -1, 41-43, 69-74, 76-105, 107-115, 117-121, 123, 125-127, 130-131, 133-134, 137-141, Annual 6
Cable: 1, 33, -1
X Man: 16, -1
Wolverine: 102
Uncanny X Men: 259, 279, 304, 282 reprint, -1
Stryfe's Strike File
X Men: -1
Silver Surfer: Vol 4 - #3
Mek: 1-3
Man with the Screaming Brain: 1-4
Singularity 7: 1-4
X-Men: The End Book One: Dreamers and Demons: 1
Shaun of the Dead: 1-4
Tron: 1


Sweet November
The Musketeer
Enemy at the Gates
Cats and Dogs
Osmosis Jones
The Score
Crocodile Dundee in LA
Rugrats in Paris
Training Day
Sugar and Spice
Just Visiting
3000 Miles to Graceland
Dungeons and Dragons
Down to Earth
Save the Last Dance
Tomb Raider
Jurassic Park 3
Spy Game
Along Came A Spider
The Fast and the Furious
Saving Silverman
Planet of the Apes
Dracula 2000
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