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DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Apr 1 2010, 03:51 PM

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QUOTE(Gforce083 @ Apr 1 2010, 03:27 PM)
Adam himself spotted in this thread!
user posted image

You caught me, I saw a few hits from the site and wanted to see how many of you were falling for it. Obviously, I didnt do a good enough job! biggrin.gif
  Forum: Hobby Talk · Post Preview: #2423972 · Replies: 8 · Views: 403

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Oct 4 2008, 03:31 PM

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I am dissatisfied, but this is complete.
  Forum: Completed Transactions · Post Preview: #1638024 · Replies: 14 · Views: 769

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Oct 3 2008, 03:41 PM

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QUOTE(Cowboys4life71 @ Oct 3 2008, 03:21 PM)
This is what he said on his site.
The only thing I want is for the cards he sent to get here so I can leave TCC for good. Straight from the horses mouth. Here is his website if you dont believe me www.sports cards uncensored.com

Yup, this is correct. Later.
  Forum: Completed Transactions · Post Preview: #1635849 · Replies: 14 · Views: 769

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Oct 3 2008, 02:34 PM

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Well, I just got back from lunch and I got the Marino and the Romo FINALLY. He shipped them both together in a team snap case with no tape, and they spilled out into the package with no protection. The Marino is fine, thank god, but the Romo has two nasty dinged corners.

Considering I requested that he send them in the proper cases BEFORE he sent them, Im pretty ######. I had to wait an extra week for this ######, and now I gotta deal with him being a complete ###### to boot. He is lucky I hate basketball, because otherwise I would send this ###### back to him. Im not going to do it because I like the Marino and the time it would take to get the LeBron back would be more than an Upper Deck redemption in 2005.

Can we flag this guy now? Not that I really care, Im done trading on here.

Your Romo jersey cards will be sent back the EXACT same way you sent them to me. Have fun, idiot.
  Forum: Completed Transactions · Post Preview: #1635713 · Replies: 14 · Views: 769

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Oct 2 2008, 09:56 AM

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QUOTE(dd316 @ Oct 2 2008, 09:52 AM)
Why would there be bad language in an interview like this? unsure.gif

I cant like to the site I write, because the site has bad language. Its posted on there. The interivew has one bad word.

PM me if you want the link.
  Forum: Hobby Headlines · Post Preview: #1633165 · Replies: 6 · Views: 512

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Oct 1 2008, 02:18 PM

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I am splitting this box with a friend, so not everything is mine.


Lawrence Taylor "NFC" die cut NFL Icons Jersey
Larry Johnson Jumbo Swatch TOTT
Jerome Simpson RPM auto "NFL" /299 (MINE)
Brian Brohm "NFC" RPM Jersey /199 (MINE)

Thats about it.

Pics later.
  Forum: Box Breaks · Post Preview: #1631473 · Replies: 3 · Views: 231

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Oct 1 2008, 01:48 PM

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Its on my site, but I cant post the link due to language. Here is the text of what I posted. Some really cool stuff is on the horizon.


Well, it looks like SCU is growing by leaps and bounds, and I am glad that we are reaching as many people as we do. I have known for a while that manufacturers and other associated people read this blog and it pleased me when Gregg Kohn, the Football Brand Manager at Upper Deck, stepped up and offered himself up as a guinea pig for my fledgling interview skills. It didn’t work out originally as our schedules didn’t coordinate, but we have kept trying, and it finally happened this morning.

Ill tell you guys, I learned more in my 45 minutes of speaking with him, than I thought I could ever learn about this industry. He answered all my questions with the utmost honesty, and wasn’t afraid to put it in language that I use every day. With that, I wanted to first express my uptmost thanks for taking the time to speak with a nobody like myself. Thanks to Gregg, I do have some really cool info about the upcoming year, and some really interesting stuff about the process he goes through with each product.

First I wanted to start with the product I just stuck at the top of my list of things newbies should bust. SP Authentic is a favorite of many collectors, including myself, and Gregg had some awesome stuff to go over. First off, the coveted RC patches are no longer going to be seeded at 6 per case, but rather now at 8 per case. There will be a guaranteed amount of A listers and top RCs in every case again - something I think is beyond awesome - and he promised the cards look better than they ever have. He also clued me in to some new innovations that I think could be the best thing about this product. In those 4 boxes you don’t get the RC Patch auto you have a chance at a signed By The Letter like last year, but also a few new things. The first is retro RC Patch autos of people like Favre, Tomlinson, and others who didn’t have the chance to get a SP Authentic Patch auto. These will be ALL on card and should be ridiculously awesome. You will also have the chance at RC Leatherheads which include cards of the 2008 class that include pieces of old school leather helmets they wore during the RC premiere - again ALL on card (or maybe on helmet?). The product should be about the same price point, so that is all really cool. Gregg said he would send some pics, so I am praying he does.

Secondly, I wanted to correct a mistake I made with Ultimate 2008, where I said they were re-inserting the 1997 Legends series that everyone loved. Its basically the "A Piece Of History" 500 HR club set from baseball, in that it is the most popularly collected set among Footballers, and just like the extension of the APOH set, they are actually extending this set to include players from recent years. They will be in the same format, all ON CARD, and should be awesome. I can still hope for buybacks of the old set, but this is good too.

He also talked about how Ultimate is changing to a new format with a focus on getting collectors more cards that rock, and I think it is awesome. The whole set features hard signed cards and is one of the 6-7 sets that UD will put out this year featuring on card stuff. He said its actually better to get on card sigs because they don’t have to pay someone to affix the stickers, they don’t look as bad, and they don’t end up with a backlog of 2004 stickers in the warehouse like I believe Topps has. Bravo to UD for that.

With Exquisite this year, they are not holding back, which is great. They are including 6 cards with all new designs for each subset - THANK YOU!! - and have even added a bonus for collectors who buy it. In each box, there will be a separate one card pack, similar to UD Black that will contain an "Exquisite Gold" card autograph. It will be either an auto or auto memorabilia, and should be ridiculously cool. It will have exclusive 1/1 content, and I think this could be huge. He also mentioned they have had Tiger Woods exclusively sign 5 patch cards, and as you can imagine they may be some of the most expensive cards ever produced.

He also mentioned revamps of SP Rookie Threads and SP Rookie Edition to include some new stuff that seemed really cool, hopefully he wont disappoint. At least we wont get weird gold and gray letters of McFadden and Ryan like we did last year, as this year they are all college team themed. He said it was tough to anticipate letters to build for the rookies because you don’t know what team they are on when you build them. They went with college because it ties the card to the player, and I think that is a good thing.

Moving on from the new releases, we talked about shifts in the industry, and him being a former shop owner, he showed a lot in his expansive knowledge of what is going on at our level. We discussed at length that the costs of getting sigs on the cards going up because a lot of players are realizing that in the only sport with 3 competing brands, they can play each company against the other. He even mentioned that Ahmad Rashad wanted 50 bucks a card, which I had to laugh at. He talked about catering more products to the shop people because with the state of the economy, its tougher to get a new high-end release out without hurting the people who sell it. I think this will mean more affordability for the collector in a trickle down fashion, and I was happy to hear that they consider each part of the equation. If stores have to dump a product because it is too expensive to sell, we lose in the long run. I guess that’s why Icons is so popular.

As Upper Deck collectors, we had a long string of years where the release calendar was ever changing. He mentioned that is why DLP has such success and failure at the same time, mainly because everyone knew what to expect. He said that now they have a better idea of success rate, they can head in that direction while still maintaining a lot of creativity. He said that one of the possible new products for next year will be Philidelphia edition, which takes a page from the Goudey sets in baseball. He didn’t have much, other than the product would have buybacks from the original sets.

I brought up a lot of how I felt about certain things, like non-autoed manufactured letters, and he had an interesting perspective. He said that rather than throwing more crap jerseys in a box, they thought they would include the letters as a way to add a little more value - which they did in Icons. He also said they were handcuffed by a lot of the celebrities backing out at the last minute, which is understandable.

We discussed a lot of the bad things like Chirography and Ultimate of last year, and he was definitely not afraid to admit his mistakes. That was more than refreshing, and he promised to make sure the quality of the products would be much more thought out. He said it was tough to imagine a street reception, and that’s why they are trying to stay away from needlessly high end products like Chirography was last year. Mucho bueno on that front.

The last thing we talked about was the Peterson patch I posted on a week or so ago. He said he wanted to create an exquisite database of the patches, but the cards and the people who would do that are in different parts of the country. They fly down to Texas to pack every card by hand, and he expressed they might start taking pictures of the patches they think might be questioned. He said that as far as he is concerned, the patch RCs will be much more likely to impress, and that they will do their best to protect the collector. He would put a design over the patches to prevent faking, but he said there would be more complaints about that than the actual douchebags who take advantage, so he decided against it. I agree.

I wish I could have you guys listen to the whole conversation, because it was so ###### awesome to have the kind of talk from a higher up I got from Gregg, and I must say I was thoroughly impressed with the stuff they were coming out with. If you guys have questions about some of the things I mentioned, feel free to email me as you like.

Ill say this, after speaking with Gregg, I am MUCH more likely to buy a UD product now that he has explained the blood sweat and tears that goes into every product they put out. I know he is connected to the hobby base level more than I expected, and he is beyond a nice guy. Thanks again for the time!

  Forum: Hobby Headlines · Post Preview: #1631417 · Replies: 6 · Views: 512

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 30 2008, 01:45 PM

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This one is my favorite:

user posted image

I like this too:

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My babies... biggrin.gif
  Forum: Show and Tell · Post Preview: #1629415 · Replies: 15 · Views: 605

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 30 2008, 10:53 AM

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For those of you reading this, here is a summary of what has happened.

I agreed to a trade with cowboys here and agreed to send out. I shipped my cards on the 25th as agreed, and he shipped out that saturday I believe.

Here is the record for mine: 420 19047 9101 7850 9140 1743 9710 98

I received the package yesterday with three random Tony Romo jersey cards inside, packaged with no tape, and falling out of whatever he sent them in. They seemed to be in okay shape, I did not inspect them closely.

I checked his account to see if maybe he had put the wrong label on the wrong package, but there are no deals in the works for the cards I got.

I PMed him and explained that I had received the wrong cards and that I was quite angry considering the cash value of what I had sent him.

He PMed back stating he was "looking at the cards" and would send out.

He then accused me of not sending on the correct day, something I had proof was incorrect. I scanned the proof and PMed it to him.

He PMed me the DC number for the correct cards. Saying he had sent out. I will keep this thread updated.

I have a few questions, however:

1. Who were these random jersey cards meant for?
2. Was there some reason i was sent these cards instead of the correct ones?
3. Why were they sent in a team case (non snap) with no tape?
4. After all the previous trangressions, why is this person not flagged to send first?
  Forum: Completed Transactions · Post Preview: #1629088 · Replies: 14 · Views: 769

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 29 2008, 06:20 PM

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I got the package today, YOU SENT ME THE WRONG CARDS.

I got a Tony Romo Topps TX Jersey, Elite Jersey and SPX jersey.

I was supposed to get a Marino auto and a romo jersey auto - please tell me what is going on.

Second bad deal I have had in consecutive weeks, I cant buy a good trade.
  Forum: Completed Transactions · Post Preview: #1627949 · Replies: 14 · Views: 769

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 29 2008, 04:51 PM

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QUOTE(fastercards @ Sep 29 2008, 03:41 PM)

PM sent.
  Forum: Football Trading · Post Preview: #1627702 · Replies: 9 · Views: 558

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 29 2008, 04:51 PM

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QUOTE(sas @ Sep 29 2008, 03:48 PM)
What is bv, I have a peterson from 08 playoff prestige material bv 30

That question makes no difference to me, book value is a sham. But I do like the peterson.

Let me know.
  Forum: Football Trading · Post Preview: #1627701 · Replies: 9 · Views: 558

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 29 2008, 04:46 PM

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QUOTE(10alex10 @ Sep 29 2008, 03:20 PM)
check my bucket, thanks!

Sorry, didnt see anything!
  Forum: Football Trading · Post Preview: #1627684 · Replies: 9 · Views: 558

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 29 2008, 03:29 PM

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Im in for the Vikings.
  Forum: Football Marketplace · Post Preview: #1627458 · Replies: 307 · Views: 6,618

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 29 2008, 03:18 PM

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didnt really see anything, thanks.
  Forum: Football Trading · Post Preview: #1627424 · Replies: 9 · Views: 558

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 29 2008, 02:13 PM

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Pulled an Eddie Royal LCM Stamp Jsy /50 today from LCM. I dont have scans yet, but its a dark blue swatch with a Broncos stamp.

I am looking for Mauer, Peterson, Retired Vikings, Kevin Williams, and anything else that catches my eye. Thanks!
  Forum: Football Trading · Post Preview: #1627290 · Replies: 9 · Views: 558

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 29 2008, 02:07 PM

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I bought two packs of LCM today because I wanted to see if I could get a hit or two. I got a hit, and I think its pretty cool: Eddie Royal Stamp EW Jersey /50. Its the Broncos stamp, and I dont have a pic yet, but if someone wants it, let me know.
  Forum: Pack Pulls · Post Preview: #1627278 · Replies: 7 · Views: 427

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 25 2008, 05:54 PM

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QUOTE(whatwild @ Sep 25 2008, 05:28 PM)
well cards are they kinda like a trucks Value to you because they go by book too

I dont have any idea about car value.
  Forum: Hobby Talk · Post Preview: #1619189 · Replies: 31 · Views: 953

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 25 2008, 03:59 PM

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QUOTE(beanschat @ Sep 24 2008, 08:00 AM)
yes...sv is extremely hard to monitor for the very reasons you listed...they are influenced by very recent activities, maybe the player just threw a no-hitter or got blasted in the world series, and since neither of those just took plave, maybe we should throw out those anomolaies..or the product just came out...or the player played due to someone else being injured they played one game and went back on the bench..or maybe that particular auction was messed up by the seller by not listing something correctly..or that ONE person who is putting together a master set and paid a ridiculous amount for the card ONCE..there are just too many reasons to monitor why a particular auction shouldn't be used in a proper analysis...and so yes, it does take alot of effort...and honestly, the cards just aren't that important to me to make that kind of commitment. 

As far as BV being a poor baromoter..i say hockey sticks..I may not agree with the value of a card being worth $20, but I can look at it and determine that two cards have an equal BV or which is more sought than the other...

All you did here is explain why BV is a poor estimation of value. If a player throws a no hitter, why would I want to see what his "value" was 3 weeks ago (if we say that beckett actually displayed true value)? That is an outdated source. I want up to date value.

Now, thats only a situation if the book values were in any way correct - they arent even close.

You can compare hundreds of cards that have the same book value, but have very different actual value. So, in reality, all you have is a flawed system. If you want to compare real value of a card you have to see where they are in the free marketplace, and then compare. If both cards book at 250, but one sells at 200 and the other at 100 (something that happens ALL THE TIME), they arent a representation of being of "equal value" then are they? Would it be fair to trade one for the other? In terms of BV, yes, in terms of actual value, no.

Now, lets say that the 200 sv card that books at 250 is of a player that has a injury the next day. The actual sell value drops to 50 dollars, but the book value stays the same until the next update, but in your mind, its still equal to the other card until beckett changes the price.

Lets go the opposite way. Lets say that the 200 dollar card is of a player that is inducted into the hall of fame. His actual value goes up to 300, but the book value stays the same until the next update, which wont come for a month. In your mind the two cards at 250 are still the same, but in reality they are not. Would you trade one for the other? I wouldnt.

In fact, per your last statement they arent even a representation of which are more "sought after" either. There are plenty of cards that are worth less that are more desired than those worth more.

Like I said, book value is as far from a barometer as you can get.

I will never respect the hobby intelligence of someone who still uses book value as their pricing agent.
  Forum: Hobby Talk · Post Preview: #1619026 · Replies: 31 · Views: 953

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 24 2008, 11:55 AM

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Shipping tomorrow.
  Forum: Completed Transactions · Post Preview: #1616796 · Replies: 14 · Views: 769

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 24 2008, 11:55 AM

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The TCC Collector Zone Transaction Manager generated the following agreement:

DeltaPi1049 receives:

Tony Romo 2008 Classics Jersey Auto /20
Marino 2008 Classics Jersey Auto

Cowboys4life71 receives:

04-05 LeBron James Sweet Shot Auto Basketball

Additional notes:

None Specified.
  Forum: Completed Transactions · Post Preview: #1616794 · Replies: 14 · Views: 769

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 24 2008, 11:49 AM

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Payment has cleared. thanks.
  Forum: Completed Transactions · Post Preview: #1616785 · Replies: 13 · Views: 1,237

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 24 2008, 09:40 AM

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user posted image

Looking for these guys:

1. Adrian Peterson (obviously)
2. Emmitt Smith
3. Barry Sanders
4. Jerry Rice
5. Anything else that catches my eye

I dont want to trade down, so please dont offer if you have nothing that you would trade this card for. Thanks a bunch!!
  Forum: Football Trading · Post Preview: #1616623 · Replies: 0 · Views: 262

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 24 2008, 09:37 AM

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Its yours for $150 paypal or best offer. If you are interested, PM me. Card books at $250 if you go by that (I dont). All irregularities are from scanner.

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  Forum: Basketball Marketplace · Post Preview: #1616621 · Replies: 0 · Views: 264

DeltaPi1049 Posted on: Sep 23 2008, 05:01 PM

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QUOTE(beanschat @ Sep 23 2008, 04:31 PM)
BV is what I traditionally go by as well.  But, I have been known to hold onto a card expecting the BV to go up in the next edition (see Matt Cassell, Matt Forte, etc), but I recognize the fact that BV is fictitious.  SV is too, cards are hot the first week, then fizzle off and the research it takes to follow up on that is too time consuming to interest me, so when someone start spouting SV, I usually move on.  BV is fictitious, but it is at least a barometer in which to go by.

BV is as far from a barometer as you can get. It presents unrealistic expectations for everything, and also presents true value as a monthly static price. That is far from the truth.

SV changes as the market changes. If a player hits it big, the sell value changes immediately. If the product cools off, the SV changes. It literally takes all of 3 seconds to pull up eBay and see where things are. To say that SV is ficticious because products lose popularity is borderline ignorance. SV changes constantly due to it being a free market, and therefore, market events will further the valleys and peaks.

Is it really THAT hard to stay on top of things if value is important to you?
  Forum: Hobby Talk · Post Preview: #1615628 · Replies: 31 · Views: 953

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